The main character, Alex, is living his normal life in rural America. He is living his normal life and is doing his typical daily activities. Alex is in a different dimension where the government can only watch its people, but when it wants to listen it tunes in, making an unbearable sound. As Alex is doing his normal activities the government all of a sudden, for the first time, tunes in to listen and everyone clutches at their ear for a short period. Minutes later it happens again, for a short period. As Alex returns to his car, the government is able to successfully connect to the alternate dimension and listen in. As this happens, Alex’s radio starts to play. When Alex gets home he sees a hidden camera which is used by the government to watch in on Alex.
We will be adding some more stuff to this summary and then work on the detailed outline, script, and storyboard. This summary is the base work for the entire short film, so we'll definitely get it done by the next week so we leave enough time for the rest of pre-planning. It's also important we get this done ASAP because we also need time to find props, talent, and finish location scouting for our March 2nd filming day.