Thursday, February 28, 2019

... ANNNDDD The Storyboard is Done!

So it took me about a week to complete the storyboard but it is finally done!  At first I wasn't very sure how it was going to turn out since we had a lot of issues with the plot, discussed in my last posting, but after everything was resolved I was able to go ahead and base the storyboard off of the script.

Now please, don't bash my drawing ability, I was able to get the job done. One issue that I addressed in the storyboard that wasn't addressed in the script was implying how Alex was being watch, since we decided to not show the government control room until the very end. As you can see in page 4 and 6, the shot of the drone itself and the government agent are how we are going to imply he is being watched. The only thing I have left to do is to number the storyboard according to the script so it matches, this will make it easier for us to follow along both during the shoot.

There is still a few more things we have to take care of in order to be ready for Saturday. Tomorrow I am going to be working on the shirt and make it dirty. In short, I bought a new shirt and have to make it look old, used, and post apocalyptic. Taylor and I are also going to take advantage of tomorrow by finalizing our shooting schedule and all of the locations. Since we live on the west side of the South Florida metropolitan area we are going to take advantage of the uncivilized nature of the Everglades in order to film the post apocalyptic scenes.

Here is the final storyboard:
Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7 
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